Who we are?

Our agency and you

Our characteristic is to have as main window our website where you are surfing at the moment.
You can also contact us to meet our team by phone at (+33 (0)4 32 40 09 26) and email at (contact@unemaisonenprovence.com).

Real Estate is our business, Internet too !

Buying as selling a good is a main decision in one's life therefore it is very important to take it in a safe and confident way.
In addition to the financial and legal aspects which are leading to the transaction, it is almost also significant to make a good advertisement of your good.
•Those points above are the main worry of our agency, that is why we have built this website and are working hard in this direction.
• Thanks to a daily update you are immediately informed concerning the new goods for sale
- You will notice that a large photos gallery is made for each good. Thanks to this gallery, you can see the good in a realistic way and choose for an active first selection.
• This will allow you to visit really only the goods you are interested in. We wish also to avoid the seller the disadvantages of useless visits, and avoid waste of time to the buyers.

Our aim

Our aim is simple : optimise the ratio good / sale
Real estate transaction is a real job. We are at your disposal to control the different steps that lead to the sale or purchase of a good. We respect the legal aspects in a normal delay at the right price, with all our serious guarantee conditions.

unemaisonenprovence.com is very present on the real estate business area thanks to its collaborators and the professional net of partner agencies.

In conclusion, if you wish to sell or buy a good, we will always stand by your side to advise you until the signature.


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